OK they are parakeets, or to be precise, Monk Parakeets,
also known as the Quaker Parrots, the smaller more belligerent cousins of the
pirates’ colourful companions, but the noise they can make belies their
Flocks of the little green critters are to be found all over
Barcelona, usually they sit in high palm trees, squawking away at each other,
at people, at other birds or just for the sake of squawking. The important
thing is that they are constantly squawking, and that parakeet squawking is loud
but not a pleasant noise.
Other birds have learnt the hard way to leave the Parakeets
They may look like clowns, but they fight like mobsters.
Last year there
was a turf war between the Parakeets and the Magpies in lower westside Barcelona, it
was a noisy and bloody affair. Magpies are a very rare sight in these parts
They also put on impressive aerial displays, forming little V-shaped squadrons that zoom down the streets just above head height, squawking as they go.
They are not, as might be generally supposed, blow-ins from
across the Mediterranean, they are probably originated from escaped pet birds
and have gone feral and established a sustainable population.
Apparently they
make good pets, but why anyone would want to share a house with one of
the noisy little blighters beats me.
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