Sunday, 1 April 2012


A mysterious black ship has tied up in Port Vell.

The official line is that it is a recently completed recreation of a 16th century Spanish ship the Nao Victoria, moored in Barcelona for educational purposes and tourist visits organised by Fundacion NaoVictoria.

In 1522 the original Nao Victoria became the first ship to circumnavigate the globe, and the only one from a fleet of five vessels commanded by Ferdinand Magellan that completed the voyage.

However fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean films might think differently. The ship bears more than a passing resemblance to the notorious Black Pearl.

Is it possible that Jack Sparrow is engaged in some supernatural time travelling escapade and is in Barcelona to conduct a belated raid upon the treasures of the Spanish Main?

After all there are parts of the city where the Black Pearl’s flamboyant camp captain and motley crew could pass without attracting attention. 

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