Sunday, 21 August 2011


Barcelona may be known for liberal attitude in some respects, in part a reaction to the Franco regime’s authoritarian ways, but it also prides itself on its stylishness. 

Some Catalans feel that things are getting just a little bit too casual out on the streets.

A new law now requires that everyone covers up in the city centre. With the beach so close to the main shopping and historical districts, there has been a rise in the number of people wandering through the streets in their swimsuits.

Now this might be OK if everyone wandering up Rambla de Catalunya in an unclothed state looked like Naomi Campbell or David Beckham, but, frankly, they don’t.

So the off-beach public exposure of beer bellies and unfortunate tattoos have now been legislated against. Forget to cover up the string bikini or budgie smugglers and you could be presented with a fine for €300.

There goes the spending money!


  1. That's gonna cost me then next time! Best of luck with the blog.

  2. Have you seen anyone walking about in the attire you describe? l can't say that l've ever encountered it to be honest in any of the many resorts l've been.

    Welcome by the way. Added you to blogroll to help you along :)

  3. From a recent holiday in Crete, our Russian chums, especially those of mature vintage, love walking anywhere in their budgie smugglers. With a nautical cap to set it off. Nice.

  4. Congats. on writing a blog from my favourite city , I hope that it does well .
    I must agree with the new rules , there are few things more disagreeable than the sight of men in vests or shirt-less with beer bellies overhanging . To me this behaviour shows no respect to a cultured city or it's people .
    Cannot wait for my next visit to the home of some of the finest restaurants I know .


Hola. Your thoughts?